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Have any question?

Does insurance cover water damage?

Yes, most policies cover accidental and sudden water damage. You typically only pay your deductible. We'll handle the rest, working directly with your insurance company.

How quickly can you get here?

We can usually be anywhere in the Frisco area within 1-3 hours. We're local and available 24/7.

Can we stay in our home during the restoration?

It depends on the extent of the damage. We'll assess which areas are safe to occupy and set up containment zones to keep unaffected areas accessible.

How long does water damage restoration take?

We typically need 3-7 days. Water extraction and drying equipment set up takes 1-2 days. The drying and dehumidifying of affected areas will take another 2-4 days, followed by 1 day of sanitizing and restoring your space. More severe cases like floods or sewage backups may take longer. Depending on repairs needed, the reconstruction could take up to an additional week or two.